IREPS (Indian Railways E-Procurement System) stands as a pivotal platform for tendering and procurement processes.This system empowers both registered users and visitors to search tenders. In this guide, we'll unravel the steps to navigate this process.
How to search tenders
Users of IREPS can search for Works / Service / Goods Tenders using the Advanced Search option available on This functionality is accessible to both registered and non-registered (anonymous) users, although non-registered users have limited options. To search Tenders on the IREPS application, follow these steps:
1. Open and navigate to E-Tender > Works > Search Tender. This will take you to a page that lists all currently active/live tenders. You can also find a link to "Search E-Tenders" on the home page under the Quick Links section, which opens the same page.
4. Click on "Tender No." or the "Action Icon T" to view the tender document in PDF.