Indian Railway Freight Loading- Mar 25

Indian Railway Freight Loading : 2022-23

The Indian railway system, often referred to as the lifeline of the nation, plays a pivotal role in connecting people and goods across the vast landscape of India. Freight loading is the backbone of the Indian economy, facilitating the movement of goods on a massive scale. These achievements highlight Indian Railways' commitment to enhancing efficiency, increasing freight loading, and providing excellent services to its customers.


The Significance of Freight Loading 

Indian railway freight loading is a vital component of the country's economic infrastructure. It serves as the primary mode of transportation for a wide range of goods, including raw materials, finished products, coal, steel, and agricultural produce. The significance of this operation can be summarised in the following key points: 

  • Bulk Transportation- The Indian Railways have a remarkable capability to transport bulk goods efficiently. This is especially critical for industries like mining and agriculture that require the movement of large quantities of raw materials and commodities.
  • Cost-Effective- Compared to other modes of transportation, such as roadways, rail freight is often more cost-effective. It allows for the economical transportation of goods over long distances. 
  • National Integration- The railway network connects remote areas to urban centre, promoting national integration and ensuring that even the farthest corners of the country have access to essential goods.

Milestone achieved in FY2022-23

Indian Railways achieved a record-high freight performance in FY 2022-23. 
  • Originating Freight loading reached 1512 MT, an increase of 94 MT (7%) compared to the previous best in FY 2021-22 (1418 MT). 
  • Net Tonne Kilometres (NTKMs) exceeded 900 Bn for the first time, reaching 903 Bn in FY 2022-23, compared to 820 Bn in the previous year. 
  • Significant incremental loading was achieved in various categories: 74.6 MT in Coal, 8.7 MT in Balance Other Goods, 5.6 MT in Cement & Clinkers, 7.1 MT in Fertilisers, 5 MT in containers, and 4 MT in POL. 
  • Coal transportation to powerhouses increased by 17.3%, with 569 MT moved in FY 2022-23 compared to 485 MT in the previous year. 
  • Automobile loading grew by 65%, with 5527 rakes loaded in FY 2022-23 compared to 3344 rakes in the previous year. 
  • Growth rates for various commodities: 
          Coal: 11.4% 
          Balance of Other Goods: 9.3% 
          Cement & Clinker: 4.3% 
          Fertiliser: 14.2% POL: 6% 
          Container: 6.7% 

Passenger Business Performance: 

  • Passenger patronage increased by over 80%, reaching 623 Cr compared to 344 Cr in the previous year. Gross Freight revenues are expected to exceed Rs 1.6 Lakh Cr with a growth rate of approximately 14%. 
  • Passenger revenues are projected to exceed Rs 60,000 Cr, growing by more than 60% compared to the previous year. 
  • The combined freight and passenger revenue of Indian Railways is expected to cross the Rs 2 Lakh Cr mark, with combined revenues exceeding Rs 2.2 Lakh Cr. 

Achievement in 2023-2024 

Cumulative Freight Loading (April 2023 - February 2024): 
  • Achieved 1434.01 MT, a notable improvement of 66.51 MT compared to the previous year. 
  • Freight earnings reached Rs 155557.1 Crore, showing an improvement of approx. Rs 6468.17 Crore over the same period last year. 
February 2024 Freight Loading: 
  • Originating freight loading reached 136.60 MT, marking a significant 10.13% improvement from February 2023. 
  • Freight revenue for February 2024 amounted to Rs. 14931.89 Crores, showcasing an 8.98% improvement compared to February 2023. 
Specific Freight Categories (February 2024) 
Coal: 59.08 MT 
Iron Ore: 15.11 MT 
Pig Iron and Finished Steel: 5.69 MT 
Cement (Excl. Clinker): 7.59 MT 
Clinker: 5.45 MT 
Food grains: 5.10 MT 
Fertilizers: 3.962 MT 
Mineral Oil: 4.06 MT 
Containers: 7.00 MT 
Balance Other Goods: 10.66 MT 

Business Development and Customer-Centric Approach: 
  • The "Hungry For Cargo" mantra guided IR's sustained efforts to enhance ease of doing business. 
  • Business Development Units, supported by agile policy-making, contributed to improved service delivery at competitive prices. 
  • A customer-centric approach played a pivotal role in achieving these significant milestones. 

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