Indian Railway Measures to Protect Elephant and Wildlife on Tracks

Indian Railway Measures to Protect Elephant and Wildlife on Tracks


Indian Railways (IR) plays a pivotal role in the country’s transportation network, operating across diverse terrains, including forests and wildlife habitats. However, this extensive network sometimes intersects with the migratory paths of elephants and other wild animals, leading to unfortunate accidents. To address this challenge, Indian Railways has introduced several innovative and effective measures aimed at protecting elephants and wildlife on tracks. In this blog, we will explore the various steps taken by IR to safeguard wildlife, with a special focus on the AI-enabled Intrusion Detection System (IDS) and other proactive measures.


Innovative Technologies Deployed by Indian Railways

1.AI-enabled Intrusion Detection System (IDS) 

One of the most advanced measures implemented by Indian Railways is the AI-enabled Intrusion Detection System (IDS). This system uses Distributed Acoustic Sensors (DAS) with optical fiber cables, pre-installed elephant locomotion signatures, and specialized hardware to detect the presence of elephants near railway tracks. 

 ✅ How IDS Works: 
  • The system monitors track surroundings using optical fiber cables. 
  • It detects vibrations and patterns associated with elephant movements. 
  • Upon detecting elephants, the system instantly alerts loco pilots, station masters, and control rooms
  • This ensures immediate preventive action, reducing the risk of collisions. 

 ✅ IDS Implementation Progress:
Currently operational over 141 km in the Northeast Frontier Railway (NFR). IDS installation is in progress over 1158 km across key corridors, including ECOR, SR, NR, SER, NER, WR, and ECR, at a total cost of ₹208 crore. 

2. Thermal Vision Cameras for Night Detection

 To detect wildlife during night and low visibility conditions, Indian Railways is deploying thermal vision cameras. These cameras: 
  •  Identify the heat signatures of animals near the tracks. 
  •  Alert loco pilots about animal presence. 
  •  Prevent collisions, especially in forest regions with frequent wildlife crossings. 

3. Honey Bee Buzzer Devices 

Indian Railways has installed innovative Honey Bee Buzzer devices at various level crossings. These devices emit bee-like buzzing sounds, which act as a natural repellent for elephants. 
  •  The sound discourages elephants from approaching railway tracks. 
  •  The buzzing mechanism creates a harmless and eco-friendly deterrent. 
  •  This method has proven effective in keeping elephants away from vulnerable areas. 

Infrastructure Modifications to Ensure Wildlife Safety

1. Construction of Underpasses and Ramps

 To facilitate the safe movement of elephants and wildlife, Indian Railways is constructing: 
  • Underpasses beneath railway tracks at identified corridors. 
  • Ramps to help animals safely cross over the tracks. This infrastructure allows wildlife to pass safely without coming into direct contact with moving trains. 

2. Fencing Along the Tracks

 To prevent animals from straying onto railway tracks, Indian Railways is installing fences along critical railway corridors
  •  Fencing acts as a physical barrier, deterring animals from entering railway areas. 
  •  It reduces the risk of accidental collisions. 

3. Signage Boards at Identified Elephant Corridors

Indian Railways has placed signage boards at all identified elephant corridors. 
  •  These boards pre-warn loco pilots of wildlife-prone areas. 
  •  The signage helps in reducing train speed and enhances caution in sensitive zones. 

Preventive Measures and Coordination with Forest Departments

Indian Railways collaborates closely with forest departments to ensure effective wildlife protection. The key measures include: 
  • Joint investigations of train-elephant collisions. 
  • Regular meetings with forest officials to assess and implement new strategies. 
  • Imposition of speed restrictions at vulnerable locations. 
  • Deployment of elephant trackers engaged by forest departments to monitor elephant movements. 

Impact of Wildlife Protection Measures

The concerted efforts by Indian Railways have led to a significant reduction in elephant deaths on railway tracks: 
  • In 2013, there were 26 elephant deaths due to railway collisions. 
  • By 2024, this number had dropped to just 12, reflecting a reduction of over 50%. 
  • The implementation of IDS, fencing, signage, and coordination with forest officials has played a crucial role in this decline. 

FAQs on Indian Railways’ Wildlife Protection Measures

✅ 1. What is the Intrusion Detection System (IDS) in Indian Railways? 
 The Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is an AI-enabled technology using Distributed Acoustic Sensors (DAS) to detect elephant movements near railway tracks. It alerts loco pilots and station masters, helping prevent wildlife collisions. 

✅ 2. How does fencing help in wildlife protection on railway tracks?
Fencing along railway corridors acts as a physical barrier, preventing elephants and other wild animals from straying onto the tracks, thereby reducing collision risks. 

✅ 3. What is the Honey Bee Buzzer device?
The Honey Bee Buzzer device is an innovative tool installed at level crossings. It produces bee-like buzzing sounds that act as a natural deterrent, keeping elephants away from railway tracks. 

✅4. What is the impact of the measures taken by Indian Railways?
Due to the implementation of various protection measures, elephant deaths due to railway accidents have reduced by more than 50%, from 26 in 2013 to 12 in 2024

 ✅ 5. Are thermal vision cameras effective in wildlife protection?
Yes, thermal vision cameras help detect the presence of animals during the night or in poor visibility conditions, enabling loco pilots to take timely preventive action. 


Indian Railways’ proactive measures, including AI-enabled IDS, thermal cameras, fencing, signage, and coordination with forest departments, have significantly enhanced wildlife protection. The reduction in elephant deaths is a testament to the effectiveness of these initiatives. As Indian Railways continues to expand and improve its wildlife safety infrastructure, it sets a remarkable example of balancing transportation growth with environmental conservation.

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